Jordan Todesco

Jordan's Story

Jordan’s Story

Finance was the focus. Co-Founder Jordan Todesco started his path knowing he wanted to spend the rest of his life helping people, and what better way than creating wealth for them? At the time, the number one reason for divorce in the USA was financial hardships…

Shortly after graduating, he realized the investment banking culture wasn’t a spiritual fit for him, nor his family, so he transitioned into sales roles that led to him becoming the CEO at an anti-cancer nutracuetical company that focused on helping individuals and families experience the joy that comes from restored health.

Jordan found his calling, bringing increased awareness to a product that helped fight inflammation, boost the immune system, and give hope to those deemed hopeless. Along the way he learned much about who he was, what he stood for, where he wanted to go, and why he wanted to get there. Jordan committed internally that he would never promote nor sell a product he wasn’t 100% sold on himself and wasn’t willing to use on one of his own three children. In the process of growing another business, Jordan was guided, prayers were answered, and Guardian Angel Dessert Co was born.

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